Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Project Update

The large storm events we had over the weekend and into the beginning of this week have produced a significant amount of flow in Lion Creek through the project site and under the newly installed bridge. The project is holding up well and hopefully the newly planted willow stakes will begin to take root. With Lion Creek now connected to San Antonio Creek, steelhead trout can now make their way upstream to spawn.

Looking upstream under new bridge on Lion Creek.

Lion Creek Bridge looking downstream

Friday, December 10, 2010

Project Update

The California Conservation Corps were out at the Lion Creek site this week planting native plants and setting up irrigation. The corps members planted hundreds of native container stock, including the following species: western sycamore, black walnut, toyon, wild rose, purple needle grass, and green bark ceanothus. The crew was also busy planting hundreds of acorns as well as staking over a thousand willow and mulefat cuttings. We look forward to seeing the plants get established. Check back for future updates on the projects progress.

CCC members planting native container plants and live oak acorns.
CCC members staking willow and mulefat poles along the banks of Lion Creek.
The areas adjacent to the bridge after planting.